Nikos Karas
(founder of THIASOS)
Born in Greece (Chania,
Crete), raised in Athens till the age of 18
and has been living in the States since then...
Director, Producer, DJ
Has taken acting classes
at Stella Adler Drama School
Skilled in video
productions (social events and TV commercials)
including recording and
non-linear editing
Experienced disc jockey
in clubs (25 years), Radio and TV
including voice-overs (commercials) public
service announcements (PSA)
back in October
of 1986,
Legendary Night Club SILVER SCREEN
N.Y.) pioneered a Greek Night
with a DJ playing Greek records all night long
and Nikos Karas (DJ Niko) was the first DJ
Greek night clubs all over the globe followed
this pattern and continue up to date...
That Greek night was created by George
Barkoutsis (RIP) brother of one of the owners of
Silver Screen (Louis Barkoutsis)
a local television show "Youre Invited"
(1996-1997) |